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The unemployment-Causes and Types

Many individuals in the community seek employment in a field. Whether it is related to their studies, or through general professional work, but many of them struggle to find a suitable job for them. Due to the lack of always available job opportunities, or because their qualifications and experiences do not match the work offered in the labor market, which leads to their delay in obtaining work, and some of them may stop searching for a suitable job, and this results in an increase in the number of unemployed This percentage is called unemployment, about which many annual statistics are collected; Because it is considered part of the general economic rates of any country in the world.

Definition of unemployment.

Unemployment is defined as the term given to individuals who live without work; That is, the unemployed. Unemployment is also defined as a condition that describes a person who cannot find a job while constantly trying to find work. Another definition of unemployment is that it is the presence of individuals in society who are able to work and have taken many paths to search for a job, but they did not get a suitable opportunity for them.
Unemployment is one of the issues that negatively affect society. Because it is spread among the groups of young people who are able to work, and therefore it is not used at all by the elderly, children, or individuals who suffer from mental and mental illnesses, or special physical needs that prevent them from carrying out any kind of work, which constitute obstacles to them; They are classified outside the state's workforce.

Unemployment rate.

The unemployment rate is the percentage of unemployment in a society, which is measured by relying on knowledge of the total number of unemployed individuals and the total number of individuals who can work, and determining this rate depends on knowledge of a set of percentages, like:
  • The geographical distribution of the unemployed according to the social milieu in urban and rural areas.
  • Determine the ratios of males and females in terms of the employed and the unemployed.
  • Measuring the age ratios of individuals within the legal stage of the age of work and professions.
  • Knowing the type of education and the academic level of each individual within the stage of work.

   It is used to calculate the following equivalent unemployment rate: Unemployment rate = the number of unemployed individuals/number of individuals who have work; That is, knowing the percentage of unemployed individuals, and then dividing it on the percentage of employed individuals.

           Example: The percentage of the unemployed in a country reaches 12%, while the percentage of workers in the same country reaches 6%, what is the unemployment rate? 
Unemployment rate =% unemployed / employed percentage; 12% / 6% = 2% .

Causes of unemployment.

There are a set of reasons leading to widespread unemployment:

  • الهجرة من الرّيف إلى المدينة، والتي تُؤدّي إلى زيادةِ أعداد العاطلين عن العمل في المُدن.

    إقرأ المزيد على موضوع.كوم: https://mawdoo3.com/%D8%AA%D8%B9%D8%B1%D9%8A%D9%81_%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A8%D8%B7%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%A9
     Migration from the countryside to the city, which leads to an increase in the number of unemployed in the cities.
  • The emergence of fluctuations in the local economic situation in countries, which result in a set of economic difficulties, the most important of which is the lack of job creation.
  • The number of available jobs does not match the number of individuals of a stage or age of work, which leads to an increase in unemployment among them.
  • The inconsistency of the job qualifications of the vacant jobs with the educational qualifications or professional experiences of individuals, which leads to the availability of jobs with the absence of suitable employees.
  • Providing jobs at certain times of the year, in which individuals work during a period of time that ends with its end. An example is agricultural occupations.

     Types of unemployment.

Unemployment is divided into a group of types, the most important of which are:

  • Structural unemployment: It is unemployment that appears due to growth and development in some professional and practical fields, which replaces the workforce in the implementation of current activities in the facilities with a set of technological machines, which leads to the lack of need for employees due to their lack of sufficient skills to deal with modern developments.  
  • Frictional unemployment: It is the unemployment that appears among individuals who are able to work while they leave their old work and start to search for a new job, as they lose the ability to collect any income during this period. 
  • Cyclical unemployment: It is the recession that affects the economic situation of a group of establishments during a specific period of time, or in specific areas, with similar establishments in other regions that work excellently and provide the ability to attract many employees in their functional departments.


Unemployment is considered one of the biggest problems facing all countries in the world. Because it is related to the presence of a percentage of individuals who have the ability to work but lack the right job for them, which contributes to achieving income that helps them cover their basic needs from their own expenses and obligations, and the rate of unemployment is related to the calculation of a percentage of their own, which depends on Knowing the causes that lead to the emergence of unemployment in all societies, and the appropriate ways to deal with it in a correct way, as well as unemployment in a group of different types, which greatly affect the global economy as one of the main rates associated with economic development. 







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